With the warm weather already here, everyone is starting to think about those bathing suits. As a trainer, I often get asked “what can I do to improve my core” or “I want a six pack.” I like...
I'm a runner. I no longer say "I'm trying to be a runner." because I've come to grips with the fact that I actually do enjoy running. It's something I can do alone or if you are social and...
Most Americans don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. With summer around the corner and the Arizona heat making its presence early, seasonal fruits and vegetables are plentiful. Listed below are 10 reasons why you should increase your daily intake.
Have you heard about the Dancer Sculpt workout?
It’s a groundbreaking fitness training program that combines sweat-soaking dance cardio and dancer conditioning through pilates, ballet and training bands. Each class is a 75 minute sweat session with maximum...
Time to get in the holiday spirit!
Make this month's workout more exciting with some festive jams. Get a holiday themed playlist together to get you in the holiday spirit and keep you motivated. Here are some of my favorite songs for...