Fitness Friday: Get up, Get moving!


Early Morning Workouts--No Snoozing!


Ever notice that when you exercise in the morning, you feel more alert and productive all day? It’s no coincidence that a morning workout has several advantages for your body and your mind. First, exercise jump-starts your metabolism and keeps you burning calories at a higher rate all day. Also, you get your exercise out of the way and don’t have to worry about not having time for your workout routine.

These simple tips can help get you motivated to get up early and get your workout in before your day gets too crazy.

1) Move Your Alarm Clock: It’s easy to hit the snooze button over and over again but if you move your alarm clock away from your bed, it will force you to get out of bed to turn it off.  Since you’re up, you’re more likely to stay up.

2) Schedule Your Workouts: Put your workouts on your calendar in advance so it’s scheduled.  People are more likely to be successful with their goals when they have a plan.

3) Workout With Friends: Workout with friends who have similar goals and interests.  You’re more likely to push each other and keep each other accountable.

4) Prep The Night Before:  It helps to lay out your exercise clothes and equipment the night before. That way you don’t waste any time getting dressed and ready for your workout.  You can even go to bed in your gym clothes to save that extra time.

5) Reward Your Efforts: If you meet your exercise goals and get up early four out of five days to work out for an hour, do something nice for yourself at the end of the week, like getting a manicure, seeing a new movie with a friend, etc. Find what motivates you to give you that push out of bed each morning.  

With the new year approaching, set your goals and don’t stop until you achieve them.  Nothing is more rewarding than achieving your goals through hard work and dedication.


Early Morning Workouts--Get Prepared and Stay Motivated!


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