Motherhood is challenging enough in your hometown where you’re comfortable and have a great support system. Add in moving across the country, and it’s a whole new daunting challenge. 

We’re here for you, mama! 

First, welcome to the East Valley—we hope you fall in love with the lifestyle here that’s family-focused. Whether you’re from the Pacific Northwest, the East coast, or the Bible belt, welcome to your new home, our home state, Arizona. 

We hope this serves as a starting point to help you navigate the East Valley whether you’re still considering a move here, or if you’ve just unloaded the moving van and are already tired of being told about our “dry heat.”

Transplant Tip: “Find a reliable childcare source! If you don’t have family close by, it can be hard to get out of the house ever without the kids. Finding our nanny was literally the best thing that happened in our first year living here when my parents were still in IL.” -Veteran Contributor Kira, originally from Illinois

Transplant tip: “Don’t be afraid to make the first move! I made mom friends through activities like music class and church. It’s easy to walk away from a conversation and never talk to that person again but ask for their number and set up a play date. You’ll form your mom tribe and combat isolation that way!” -Contributor Amy C., originally from Northern California

Transplant tip: “Don’t let your husband set-up all the smart home systems, it ends poorly! It’s worth the money to use Twin Pines AV for setting up home automation, surround sound, security systems or just cleaning up wiring the previous home owners had.” -Contributor Kayla, who may have learned this the hard way!