We love helping moms connect with one another. If you’re new to the area, new to being a mom, or just want a way to connect with others close to where you live, join our Neighborhood Mom Group!
Anybody else reading this still looking for their mom tribe? Motherhood can be so many things—lovely, exhausting, beautiful and gross, sometimes all in the matter of the same few minutes. It’s so nice to be able to share all of those emotions with someone else who gets it, right?
This little slice of the internet has become that tribe for me, and I hope you feel connected to our stories and feel seen as a mom, wife, sister and daughter when you’re browsing our posts.
If you’re new in town…
Or the first to have a baby…
Or just want to connect with other moms who get it?
We are thrilled to relaunch our Neighborhood Group as a way to connect moms in the East Valley to the most important resources – each other.
What East Valley Moms Neighborhood Group is for:
- Advice on local services, such as hair salons or pediatricians – great for mamas who’ve just moved here or relocating to the East Valley
- Mamas just like you who are looking for play dates or ways to meet other moms
- Sharing local information to help mamas be their best
- Support and friendships
East Valley Moms has fostered real mom friendships and we hope you’ll join our tribe to join the community we’re building to inspire and make momming an easier, more joyful journey.
How Do I Join East Valley Moms Neighborhood Group?
It’s a private Facebook page that you can add yourself to, and an admin will approve you. Simply review the list and add yourself to join the group.
Can I find mom friends on here?
Yes! And we personally have! These groups exist to facilitate playdates, mom meet ups, etc., or simply just answer a question you have for others in your area.