Welcome back to our year-long adventure! I hope you’re enjoying our new Disney Family Movie Night! For the month of March, I decided to pick a movie that really helps our kids figure out their emotions and process what...
There’s comfort in solidarity and lessons learned from other moms who have paved pathways for us already. We’re excited to kickoff a new series highlighting working moms across the East Valley to share what works for them, how they...
Many of us are craving travel experiences during these times that can be done safely but still keep an element of surprise and delight that real travel brings through new experiences and places.  It’s a little hard to have those...
I have always considered myself fortunate to have a flexible career that made parenting and working doable. I will always consider myself fortunate for the windy roads that led me to the place I am now. Not only am I...
  We made it! We made it through the unforeseen, anxiety-driven, weird year that was 2020. I'm sure you can agree when I say that while I am slightly on edge as we continue with the unpredictable year ahead, but...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....