Routines go out the window for our family during summer vacation. But that transition back into school year realities can be ugly in our house.
Late nights, sleeping in, lots of fun and relaxation: We live for summer in my house. We love spending time together, taking vacations, and if you ask my kids their favorite part is sleeping in.
So the transition from summer vacation to school starting again is always a rough one. I feel like in the past it has taken us weeks to get back into the groove.
So last year I decided that we would try to get back into the routine a little earlier and I definitely think it helped.
Here’s a few tips to make the transition back into your family’s school routines a little easier this summer.
Return to bedtime a week before school starts
The week before school I started having the kids go to bed at their normal time.
They did not love it, but I knew it was going to be necessary in order to have less of a fight the week school starts. Although we started getting them to bed earlier, I continued to let them sleep in, if they could. I didn’t want to take all the fun away. 🙂
Eventually they began to wake up earlier though because their bodies were getting the sleep that they needed.
Reintroduce morning wake time 3-4 days before school
A couple days before school actually starts I start waking the kids up at the time they need to be up for school.
It has always helped us to make sure our bodies are getting back into a groove. I have found that there is less fighting in the morning to get them up. We need all the help we can get in that department.
Mornings are rough around our house so I am all for doing anything that can help make our transition run smoother. We also make sure to have lunch ideas planned out, and plenty of quick breakfast ideas (love making these freezer breakfast sandwiches).
Practice using lunch gear
If you’ve gotten new lunch boxes, bento boxes or a new thermos, be sure your kids have a test run at home opening everything themselves.
And, remind them of the short time they have to eat their lunch at school, instead of the perma-grazing that happens all summer.
Include them in lunch menus
If your kids are anything like mine, getting their buy in on what’s going in their lunches helps the chances of them eating it. If you’re looking for some easy ideas, check out Episode 56: Budget School Lunch Ideas with Amiyrah Martin by Didn’t I Just Feed You, a podcast all about feeding kids.
If you’re looking for more lunch box inspiration, follow local Gilbert mom Nicole White, known as @foodiemisadventures on Instagram for her creative lunch spreads for her two elementary aged kiddos.
Although these things may seem simple, but they have made a huge impact on our back to school routine. It has put my kids in a better mood and has overall made the transition so much better.
What do you do to make your back to school transition easier? I’d love to hear your ideas!
If you’re looking for more back to school inspiration, here’s a few other blog posts you may enjoy!
8 Things to Know Before I Send my Kid to Kindergarten