If you’re like my fellow EVM mamas and me, you LOVE Christmas movies! Being a Disney family, I get so pumped for all of the Christmas movies Disney has to offer. 2020 has me feeling like we're going to...
The holidays are my absolute favorite time of year and have been for as long as I can remember. There’s something about this time of the year that truly is magical. Like many families, we had our holiday traditions...
Fall. Has. Finally. Arrived.  I feel like I have been waiting for this moment for months. When Starbucks started serving their PSL (even if it was in August) I knew it was only a matter of time before I could...
We asked our contributors for their fall family activity picks and curated the best deals and unique fall fun to be had around the East Valley.  We know there’s only so much fall fun one family can have, and it’s...
Halloween is just around the corner! That is almost too hard to believe as March seemed like it was 90 days long. I am sure Halloween will be cancelled just like everything else; but can you really cancel Halloween? You...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....