I shared what it was like to be pregnant in the thick of the pandemic last year, unsure of what the rest of my pregnancy and delivery would look like as it see med things were changing each and...
Whether you're expecting a baby or planning to throw a baby shower for someone special, I hope you'll consider this baby shower alternative: The Blessingway.   It has Native American roots and instead of exclusively focusing on the baby, it puts...
For as long as I can remember I have always been a planner and researcher. So, when I found out I was pregnant, I went into hyper planning mode. I bought and read all the books, blogs, and asked...
Congratulations!! You're Pregnant! Wow, it's such an exciting time. Full of lots of Doctors Appointments and Discomfort. Keep telling yourself the end result is SO worth it. At some point during your pregnancy you'll have to do at least one,...
We all know the benefits of breastfeeding little ones. Hopefully, you also feel empowered to feed your baby however you see fit based on what is best for both of you. When I was preparing for my daughter’s birth, I...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....