There are so many emotions running wild when you’re pregnant. Most of the time I can keep them in check, but as the weeks tick on by, I can’t help but feel so many mixed emotions about this new...
TTC (tee-tee-cee) verb:  when a couple is trying to conceive. Trying to conceive can be emotionally draining and hard to go through, but I am here to share a few tips with you, so you feel a little less alone and...
I had just turned 15 when I found out I was pregnant. Honor roll student, athlete, musician, pregnant! The day I saw those 2 lines on the test, I decided to have an abortion, but that night I woke...
I'm not yet pregnant with my second child, but I already know the perfect time to have my second.  It feels like as soon as your first child is born, everyone begins asking you- "When are you going to have...
I had a lot of assumptions about maternity leave based on pretty much no real experience—I don’t have any sisters, cousins or close friends who had shared details on what to expect. Of course, I anticipated a lot of...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....