One selfish reason for daily stroller breakfast walks for me is the time to zone out with a podcast. I learn so much, and it gives me a mental break from kid content that I’m about to binge for...
As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, we turn to the stories of our own friends and family who have stories and legacies of rich Hispanic and Latino cultures that impacted their own home lives. Today, we're lucky to have Barbara...
How to Find a Last-Minute Babysitter It’s 5PM on Saturday night, and you have tickets to see Hamilton at ASU Gammage (yes! It’s really coming this season!)  with your husband that starts at 7:30PM.  All of the sudden you get a...
Today we’re sharing family-friendly 9/11 memorial ceremonies near you to honor and remember those Americans who lost their lives on September 11, 2011.  I was in 7th grade on this gut-wrenching day of history, and it’s something I’ll never forget,...
Today we're talking about how to afford expensive field trips. If you have school aged children, you likely have sat through at least a few presentations from your child’s teacher(s) explaining an upcoming field trip and how fun it will...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....