Growing up, I have always been "that girl" who managed her days by the hour. The one who organized her books alphabetically, who genuinely loved creating and managing to-do lists and could not physically relax in a room until...
Let's talk ladies. I keep seeing these pictures on Instagram and my Facebook page and I have to get really REAL with you. I continuously come across pictures of Before and After photos of women's bodies but the BEFORE...
I’m at stay at home mom and if I could go back and tell my working mom self a things I would. When I was working and my oldest was an infant, all I wanted was to stay home...
I remember the exact moment I knew I was pregnant with our second child. I was getting my daughter dressed in her first Halloween costume and realized my period was due on the 1st, but I was lacking in...
Some people aren't food people. They don't care what they eat, as long as they survive. Some people genuinely like healthy foods. They ENJOY their salads, and would rather eat that then a cheeseburger. And SOME people (like me)...

In + Around East Valley

Arizona Rattlers Game with Kids

Today we are venturing out of the East Valley to experience arena football. Here are our best tips and tricks for taking your children...