I grew up in an incredibly small town. Think of the first small town that comes to mind, and cut that in half. That’s how small we’re talking, here. Oh, and did I mention it’s a Bible Belt state?...
I think we can all agree when I say these last couple of months have been rather unusual. There have been so many uncertainties that surround our day to day life and we’ve all had to adapt one way...
Earth Day is an international holiday celebrated on or around April 22nd each year to highlight and preserve Earth's extraordinary natural resources! But we don't need to wait for one day a year to take action; we can be...
I grew up in a very “crafty” household. My mom has an art degree and always encouraged our creative sides in many ways. She never met a “mistake” that she couldn’t turn into something unexpectedly beautiful. My sisters and...
"Motor-mouth", "loud", "chatterbox", all terms of endearment I was privy to being called growing up. I also like to insert "funny" to that list as well and probably because of all those nicknames listed. And this was all before...