Who loves a fresh manicure? Painted nails?
You all raised your hands right?
Well I don't know about you ladies, but this Mama loves having her nails done.
Ive never really been one to have acrylic or long natural nails, but I...
I recently viewed the documentary The Minimalist and decided I needed to become a minimalist. To what extent I have no idea but I need to start somewhere. If you have not seen this I highly recommend it. It...
Today I had a few hours when my babe was at school. Although my to-do list was a mile long, I had a load of laundry in the wash, dishes in the sink...for some reason I put my windows...
Last year, on Jan. 1, I turned all the hangers in my closet the wrong way. The idea is that after I wore something, I'd hang it back the correct way, and at the end of the year, I'll know what...
This quick guide will help busy Moms like you learn the basics of the Instant Pot and give you the confidence to try out new recipe for dinner this week!
Perhaps it was a holiday gift, a Black Friday purchase...