The holidays are over! Can you believe it?? We made it through (with minimal scratches I hope - curse those pine trees am I right?!)! I'm sure I can speak for the majority here when I say: the house...
I started really focusing on time management when I worked in client services and had dozens of client accounts to manage. Time management skills have helped me immensely in my professional life, but I will say that the skill...
Keep calm and Unicorn!
What I love about the “fall” weather here is that we can actually celebrate Halloween. Growing up in Oregon the only thing scary about Halloween was it always rained! Thus my costume would be covered up...
A word that prompts some eye rolls and maybe even some negativity from the generations before us, particularly those of our parents and grandparents. I’m here on behalf of all of us born between 1981-1996, to ask for a...
As a mom, I feel like I am constantly trying to multi-task. Finding time to do something like sit down and read an article or a few chapters in a book (and do it without re-reading the same paragraph...