There’s a lot about summers in Arizona that aren’t my favorite, like having at least one lipstick melt in my car each year, being told by people ‘but it’s a dry heat’ and being benched from daily walks after...
Summer is fast approaching and soon enough your kids are going to be bored, looking for things to do, and wanting you to entertain them.  One of our favorite things to do, and to help us beat the heat,...
The east valley is home to many splash parks and pools.  It's a perfect inexpensive activity to get the kids outside in the summer months and stay cool.  My kids and I practically live at the pool in the summer. Here...
My 15 month old is the happiest baby. He loves to smile and laugh. He waves at strangers from the shopping cart and blows kisses across the room. Until we are in the car. After forty- five minutes on...
As an educator, and a mom, I can't stress enough how important reading is. During the summer months, my family signs up for our local reading program, which also includes free activities. Studies have shown that when kids have...

In + Around East Valley

Arizona Rattlers Game with Kids

Today we are venturing out of the East Valley to experience arena football. Here are our best tips and tricks for taking your children...