Today we’re sharing the most recommended local Vacation Bible School camps for kids of all ages, from our team of 20 local East Valley Moms and from our community.  There are so many fun options for activities to sign your...
First off, finishing this unprecedented school year was _______ (you fill in the blank).  There may be several words that immediately come to mind. No judgement here, but you survived. Yea, YOU! You definitely deserve a summer of family, fun,...
Is Your Family Ready for a Safer Summer 2022? The swim and water safety experts at Goldfish Swim School Gilbert share practical tips for families in honor of National Water Safety Awareness Month Did you know…... ● Drowning is the number one cause...
Before you dive into daily summer swimming, keep reading for three things you may not know about chlorine and kids, and how to keep your kids healthy while being exposed to daily chlorine.  Swimming and sunblock are the pillars of...
There’s a lot about summers in Arizona that aren’t my favorite, like having at least one lipstick melt in my car each year, being told by people ‘but it’s a dry heat’ and being benched from daily walks after...

In + Around East Valley

Summer Camps & Summer Survival Guide for Moms

Researching summer camps can be a second job for moms this time of year, so we’re proud to have curated some of the most...