I was never sure that I wanted kids. Thinking about bringing a child into the world is scary! That is a whole other level of responsibility. There are so many questions and unknowns. Bringing a child into this world,...
To my unborn baby boy,
Though it feels strange to apologize to you before you are even earth side, I feel the need to say I am sorry. As my fourth and final baby and first and only boy, you...
My heart grieves so deeply for couples plagued by infertility for whatever reason. I am acquainted with way too many people who have tried for years on end only to end up with disappointment after disappointment. Yes, some of...
I know many moms reading this blog may not be in the same boat I'm in right now (9 months pregnant, about to pop any day), but I do think this post will resonate with most. If you've delivered...
I am a certifiable geek when it comes to baby names.
For as long as I can remember, I'd fantasize about the children I'd have and what I'd name them. Some of my picks from when I was little are...