I wanted to write about something that doesn't seem to be spoken about much, Plus size pregnancy.
It's no secret that I am a plus size woman, and I don't run or hide from that fact. I've been on the...
I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with my fourth baby. I also haven’t left my house in I don’t know how many days….
I vaguely remember when jokes about the coronavirus first started rolling in a few months ago. I...
Pregnancy. This word is a powerful word. Many associate it with joy and happiness. Some associate it with sadness and fearfulness. Some associate it with a mixed of emotions due to it's dynamic role in the fate of...
Congratulations!! You're Pregnant! Wow, it's such an exciting time. Full of lots of Doctors Appointments and Discomfort. Keep telling yourself the end result is SO worth it. At some point during your pregnancy you'll have to do at least one,...
I've had moderate to severe menstrual cramps my whole life. I've assumed I just had a heavy cycle, and possible some small cysts here and there. After I stopped nursing my second child, around 13 months postpartum; my cycle...