I was never sure that I wanted kids. Thinking about bringing a child into the world is scary! That is a whole other level of responsibility. There are so many questions and unknowns. Bringing a child into this world,...

One and Done?

I'm just going to come out and say it... I am TERRIFIED of having a second child. I'm not nervous, I'm not confused - I'm scared. I guess I should rewind a little bit and tell you more about my...
I’m at stay at home mom and if I could go back and tell my working mom self a things I would. When I was working and my oldest was an infant, all I wanted was to stay home...
Let me start by saying that I know there is no ill-intent when family or friends ask when we are having another baby, but to be honest...it gets annoying. I gave birth to our daughter in the spring of 2019,...
There are so many emotions running wild when you’re pregnant. Most of the time I can keep them in check, but as the weeks tick on by, I can’t help but feel so many mixed emotions about this new...

In + Around East Valley

A Family Guide to East Valley’s Best Wildflower Trails

Today we’re sharing everything you need to know about wildflowers in the East Valley and kid-friendly trails to find them. The presence of wildflowers is...