Who loves purging items from their home?
Both hands way up for me! Keeping the clutter in my home to a minimum is the quickest way for me to calm anxieties and be zen, man. So, gathering items to donate...
Once you have kids, Christmas takes on a new meaning. For me, the entire holiday season felt so much more magical that first year as a mom – and I want nothing more than to make sure I carry that...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! Us mamas turn into elves, the glitter is filling up the craft tables, and it’s the perfect time to use your creativity when packaging up all those gifts you’ve been putting...
I don't really consider myself a "crafty" person. Probably because I have no idea how to sew and most of the time the ideas and crafts I do are just replicas or based off what I see floating around...
Now that it's starting to cool down I’m getting excited for all the fun winter adventures we get to have here in the valley! Things like park days, browsing farmers markets, and looking at holiday lights around the neighborhood...