My big girl, Ellary, turned eight at the end of April! Ummm, WHAT? How do I have an 8-year-old?  COVID hit us hard last year and we celebrated the heck out of her with an epic car parade – back...
I blinked and my sweet, COVID baby, born in March of 2020, is now two?! Time is a thief, but every mama knows that.  This is my spin on a Disneyland inspired birthday bash that was a little more subtle...
Imagine the scenario: glittery invitations, the smell of cake in the oven, and the promise of a party that rivals a rockstar's shindig. Suddenly, the parental guillotine drops – the party's canceled. I found myself in this exact scenario...
Celebrating a child's birthday is something that we all tend to lean into, over-spend and over-plan. We just want it to be their best day ever, right? But the reality is that we're the lucky ones who can accidentally spend a little...
I absolutely adore planning parties and big events. I always say if I could go back in time I would look into a career in events/parties. My problem usually lies within a birthday bash outside of my budget.  My daughter's...

In + Around East Valley

Salt River Tubing with Kids

Today we’re sharing all about Salt River tubing with kids.  The Salt River and its surrounding lakes have been a yearly destination for our family....