Summer birthdays can be a challenge for kids. Without school in session and all the family vacations that take place in those months, coordinating efforts to host a big party doesn’t always seem possible/worth it given the smaller pool...
Summer birthdays in Arizona present one major challenge: the heat. You'd think we would have it figured out by now, but every year we struggle with what to do for my summer baby's birthday.  My youngest recently turned 5 and...
My big girl, Ellary, turned eight at the end of April! Ummm, WHAT? How do I have an 8-year-old?  COVID hit us hard last year and we celebrated the heck out of her with an epic car parade – back...
I’ve been known to go all out for my kids’ birthdays. They only happen once a year, and I’m a sucker for an incredible photo opp. Sadly, my wallet hasn’t always met my vision, any other moms out there...
  Growing up, we didn’t have big birthday parties or spend a ton of money, but I always felt loved and appreciated even more on my birthday with all the little things my family did to make the day feel...

In + Around East Valley

Summer Camps & Summer Survival Guide for Moms

Researching summer camps can be a second job for moms this time of year, so we’re proud to have curated some of the most...