Guest Post by Stefanie Jamison By filling the spaces of your child’s day with music, we are already teaching children from a young age the many roles that music can play through life. Music can help children to relax, cope with...
We were thrilled to sell out in our very first ever mommy+me meet-up at Press Coffee in Gilbert last week. If you’ve been following us here for a while, it’s no surprise that East Valley Moms believes the secret to...
Guest Post by Stefanie Jamison It is my passion to help children to find their voice. For me, this passion is personal. I had a child who was speech delayed due to a traumatic event that he endured at 16 months...
BLOOM 2019 is a National Event hosted around the US in over 50 Cities. East Valley Moms Blog is proud to bring BLOOM to the New and Expecting Mothers of the East Valley, sponsored by Barre3 Chandler. If you are currently...
I’m just going to say it: seriously…what do you DO with your baby all day? After you make it through those first few weeks when baby sleeps and eats 90% of the day but before they are old enough to...

In + Around East Valley

Arizona Rattlers Game with Kids

Today we are venturing out of the East Valley to experience arena football. Here are our best tips and tricks for taking your children...