Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor
junior high

Helping Kids Transition into Junior High: Tips from a principal and a mom

Guest Post By: Beverly Nichols As the principal of Queen Creek Junior High School, I bring a unique perspective on what it takes for students to transition from elementary school to junior high. This upcoming...

Grandma Guest Post: Slaying the Sleepover at Grandma’s

When my children were little, they always referred to my mother as “the fun Grandma.” Grandma could make anything fun, especially sleepovers at her house. She had plenty of games and activities to keep...
Boredom Busters

7 No Fail, At Home Boredom Busters for Winter Break

Didn't we just have fall break?! If you're looking for a few easy boredom busters to fill a few at home days this winter break, keep reading!  Wilkins Learning Center has rounded up their no-fail, easy to implement...
open adoption

My Open Adoption: A Story of Losing but Gaining, Too

I had just turned 15 when I found out I was pregnant. Honor roll student, athlete, musician, pregnant! The day I saw those 2 lines on the test, I decided to have an abortion,...

5 ways to support a mom whose baby is in the NICU

Guest Post By: Katie Wilton Having my child in the hospital was undoubtedly the most vulnerable point of my entire life. Our daughter Colette was born 10 weeks premature due to my body suffering multiple...