I’ve been chasing a nursing career for nearly a decade. Before kids, my number one goal was to become a nurse and work in a field I felt passionately about. Once I had kids, my career aspirations took a backseat to family. While I raise my little family and try to sneak in an online class here and there, I can’t help but become excited for the future.
After some time as a patient in the hospital and watching the nurses in action, I did some research and started taking classes to become a nurse. I worked full time and did mostly full time school. It was never easy and I often found myself retaking classes only to further my end goal.
Now, I’m juggling mom life, marriage and school. It’s still hard, but what keeps me going is one day I will be a nurse. I will have the ability to help people at their worst moments and provide them excellent care. If anything, being a mom and having a few friends that are nurses has only made me want this more.
So shout out to my nurse friends, the ones who let me ask a million questions, setting an example and for giving me the push forward when I’m feeling like I want to quit. And to ALL of the nurses, for being the people we all need when we’re sick. You are the ones holding hands, comforting and giving us the compassion we need. As a former healthcare worker, I know for a fact that hospitals would implode without the nurses. The long days, missed family events, holidays and the countless times you’ve been an advocate for a complete stranger have not gone unnoticed. I see you and I thank you.
I wish we could give you all more than an appreciation week, or a thank you, but knowing how selfless you all are, you wouldn’t want it anyway.