We all know the benefits of breastfeeding little ones. Hopefully, you also feel empowered to feed your baby however you see fit based on what is best for both of you. When I was preparing for my daughter’s birth, I...
I am a first-time mom to an energetic toddler. As you can imagine I have made plenty of mistakes. I compiled just a few I would like to share in case it helps you to avoid experiencing them: I purchased...
I was never sure that I wanted kids. Thinking about bringing a child into the world is scary! That is a whole other level of responsibility. There are so many questions and unknowns. Bringing a child into this world,...
From the moment you find out you are pregnant you start planning on how you are going to raise your child and all the different things you will  do with them. For me, and maybe some of you, this...
I was warned about the first trimester nausea (that didn’t happen); the second trimester anxieties that keep you up all night  (didn’t really happen, I got chiller during pregnancy); the third trimester back pain (nope, didn’t have that either)....

In + Around East Valley

Arizona Rattlers Game with Kids

Today we are venturing out of the East Valley to experience arena football. Here are our best tips and tricks for taking your children...