Whether you are a first time parent or seasoned, one anxious thought that might cross a parent's mind is that of sleep-and how much (or not) you will get of it. As a seasoned parent of three  boys, I...
Redshirting The term “redshirting” used to be applied to high school and college athletes.  The “red shirts” were the ones needing to gain more experience before joining the varsity team. Now, more commonly, moms of preschoolers are using it for...
My boys are entering fourth and seventh grades this year so homework is a big part of our daily routine and nothing makes the process more frustrating than not having what is needed when it becomes homework time. A...
I don't know about you, but I've stared into my child's eyes countless times.  When she was a baby, I marveled at the miracle that I was holding in my arms.  I still am in awe of her, and...
Finding the right school for our oldest child was an extreme task, we started him in daycare when he turned 1, and by 2 ½ we were looking for something more structured. By the time he was three years...

In + Around East Valley

Summer Camps & Summer Survival Guide for Moms

Researching summer camps can be a second job for moms this time of year, so we’re proud to have curated some of the most...