I’m so excited for my first Mother’s Day this year! I’ve loved being a mom so much over these past several months. I think it’s so cool that there’s a special day where–yes, I will get a little spoiled by my hubs and my babe–but also that we, as a family, just get to appreciate the fact that we brought a beautiful new life into this world and that I have the incredible privilege of being called “mother.” It’s gonna be so awesome!
As much as I’ve enjoyed my own season of parenthood thus far, there’s someone else’s new season of life that I have enjoyed watching–my own mother’s. Now, my Mama. Let me tell you something: She is THE. BEST. Cliche platitude, I know. But it’s true, my mom really is a genuinely amazing human being! She’s carried me through many rough times and supported me through many crazy adventures. Like a typical New York Italian mom, all she ever talked about throughout our ever-evolving relationship from my adolescence into adulthood was how much she wanted grandchildren #shocker and poor Mama! I did test her patience and make her wait 32 years. #whoops But it has been worth the wait. For both of us.
From the time we told my parents that I was pregnant, she hasn’t stopped smiling. Don’t let her fool you, she definitely hoped that I was having a girl! But even after we found out I was having a boy, she’s been beaming with a brand of Grandma Pride that only gets stronger as time passes. She was so excited to be an expectant grandmother.
But when that baby finally came, she just couldn’t hold it in. She was literally bursting at the seams with love and affection for this precious baby boy. I think part of me knows that she feels this strongly for my brother and I, too and, as much as we joke about overbearing moms, deep down I know that I’ve always had a tangible sense of acceptance, security, and safety because of this intense love from her. So, to see someone make my son the object of such a profound love was truly a gift to this new mama’s heart. I know that Jacob will always be able to rest in the assurance of his grandmother’s love, and that brings the biggest smile to my face.

I’m fortunate enough that my mom lives here in town and is able to watch my son a few times a week while my husband and I work. Don’t get me wrong, free childcare is awesome! But I also love the fact that Jacob and Gramcracker (THE BEST GRANDMA NAME EVER) get two full days per week where it’s just them. They’ll get to form such a special relationship with their own little routines and games and jokes. I love watching my son form this bond with my mother that is all his own separate from my relationship with her. There’s something truly special about watching someone you love so much love your kid so much.
So this Mother’s Day, I’m so excited to celebrate my own motherhood, but I’m equally if not more excited to celebrate my own mother’s grandmotherhood. I can only hope to be as wonderful a mama as she is and continues to always be.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Grandmas out there!