If you’re looking for mom community or a mom-centric gym around Queen Creek, look no further than Fit4Mom Queen Creek.
Fit4Mom offers fitness classes of all varieties (run club, barre, circuit workouts) programmed to be done with your kids in tow (stroller, wagon, doesn’t matter!) and truly brings out the best community of moms I’ve experienced at any workout class.
I recently tried out a few classes and I was blown away at how welcoming the class members were; truly–if you’re feeling alone in your motherhood journey, it may be worth the extra miles to head to a Fit4Mom Queen Creek class (or even a play group–they offer FREE play group activities every Friday).
Keep reading to get to know the mom behind this incredible community fitness group, and to get a code for a FREE MONTH of classes to experience Fit4Mom yourself!
Name: Katie Pellham
- Age: 26
- Location: Queen Creek, AZ
- Children (names and ages): Lola, 8 months. Scout (fur baby) 4 years.
- Why did you want to start your own business?
- I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time! My fitness and health became very important to me as my husband and I started thinking about growing our family. Owning a fitness business that also provides community for mamas was a no brainer for me!
- Tell us a little bit about your family!
- My husband Kyle and I are still new to parenthood, our first kiddo Lola was born earlier this year in March. Kyle and I have been together for 8 years, married 4. We love traveling & hiking together and have a sweet pup Scout. We cant wait to get out on the trails more and more as Lola grows up!
- What was your motivation to pivot your career to being an mompreneur?
- Owning a FIT4MOM franchise was truly serendipitous. I have always been a very career focused person however when I had my first baby this past March I knew I could not go back to work in the traditional sense. I had the opportunity to take ownership of FIT4MOM Queen Creek while I was on maternity leave and never looked back!
- Were you able to take maternity leave? Tell us about that experience
- Thankfully with my prior company I was able to take 16 weeks of maternity leave. During this time I found FIT4MOM as a new mama looking for community. After a week or two of being a member the prior owner put the franchise up for sale…and the rest is history!
- How do you make time for self-care in between all that you have going on? What do you do to unwind after a long day or week?
- Working out is my number one form of self care. I always – without fail – feel better after getting my heart rate up. Also love a good bubble bath after the baby is down!
- What lessons have you learned in your career that you apply to parenting?
- I was in a leadership role in my prior career, you learn very quickly that those you lead pick up on your actions far more than your words. Your every day interactions with people are more important than anything.
- How has motherhood impacted you personally and professionally?
- Motherhood completely changed the trajectory of my career. I NEVER would have imagined leaving my prior career, I loved what I did! When my daughter was born everything changed, she is the greatest blessing in every way. Becoming her mom gave me more purpose that I could have imagined. When she was born both my husband and I knew that we wanted one of us to be there for her full time. Becoming her mom also gave me the opportunity to become the owner of FIT4MOM Queen Creek where I now get to support all kinds of moms in different stages of motherhood..it is remarkable!
- Is there a promo code or discount code you can offer readers?
- Use code EVM to get your first month completely free! Only applicable with the FIT4MOM Queen Creek location.
Now for some fun chit chat…
- Favorite East Valley date night or moms night out activity? Moms night with margaritas at Serrano’s!
- Coffee order? London Fog – Earl Grey Tea latte
- Most embarrassing mom moment? Complete diaper blow out in the TSA line at the airport.
- Best mom advice you’ve been given? Trust your instincts, because your friend, sister or neighbor did something one way with their kid doesn’t mean it is the best for yours.
- Last Netflix show you binged? Mythic Quest on Apple TV+
- Favorite family tradition? My husband and I hike every new year’s day, we can’t wait to continue with Lola!