It’s the mothers who spend 9 months growing little humans inside of them.
It’s the mothers whose bodies completely change physically, mentally and emotionally, even after baby is out.
It’s the mothers who nurse (and/or pump) around the clock for months to nourish their precious newborns.
It’s the mothers who have to try to figure out their new path, constantly trying to balance between mom life and everything else outside of it. So what about the fathers?
When I read baby-prep books during my pregnancy, there were always mentions to “include the father of your child in the journey as much as possible so that they don’t feel left out.” And trust me, I kept my pregnancy journey 100% real with my husband! ..Perhaps too real? Nah, no such thing!
What I don’t read about too often, if at all, is what to do or how to feel when your toddler calls for his “dada” and prefers to be with him over you all day, every day. My son will call for his dada the second he wakes up each morning and whenever my husband walks away from us for a few minutes (at a restaurant, for example), my son will yell for his dad and search around for him until he’s back. My son will literally follow my husband’s every move– down to how he sits on the couch!! (Legs up and crossed) Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely adorable and I honestly love their close connection, but I think it’s also natural to feel, dare I say, “left out!” I love my son SO much it hurts and I want to cherish every moment with him. (I mean, hello, you grew inside ME not your dad!) So you could imagine how it feels to finally see him after a long day at work just to pick him up and hug him then seconds later have him reach for his dad to carry him instead!
Now, I know babies have phases. I know things could change in a blink of an eye and I will say this: As much as I tend to feel like the odd parent out right now, I also feel like one of the luckiest women in the world. I’m a mom to a sweet and silly baby boy who loves his dad and looks up to him so much. And I’m able to call his dad my husband, who is so connected with his son and is able to teach him how to be a good man. I know things can change, but I do hope they keep their father(dada)-son bond forever!
![When Baby Decides Mama Takes a Back Seat to Dada | East Valley Moms Blog](