Dad Groups in the East Valley


Today we’re talking about Father’s Day and local support resources to support dads navigating parenthood. 

As we celebrate our incredible husbands and the fathers they’ve become this Father’s Day, I want to highlight some of the local support systems, programs and resources available to encourage local dads who are looking for their own parenthood support system. 

As happy as I am to see (and be part of) the growing postpartum support system for new moms, it was in my own postpartum journey with my first born that I saw a part of the postpartum conversation that has completely failed new families—The conversation on how to support  fathers. I have experienced in my own family the changing in roles from husband and wife to mom and dad.

If your partner is looking for more community support navigating the role of father, or if you’re seeing him lack father friends, keep reading for local resources that support dads.



What to do if you notice your S.O. needs support as a father

As the world for a new mom is turned upside down with the new responsibilities for the role, there are places for new mothers to turn for support. This is not the reality yet for new fathers. 

I know this from watching my own husband’s experience into fatherhood. 

The change in our family system was not easy for either of us. Both of us were struggling with the lack of sleep, as well as having to recreate our world to fit in a new little, very demanding, sweet, but always fussy boy. 

It was witnessing my husband oscillate between highs and lows, that started to look for some community support for partners of new mothers. 

Sadly, at the time my research came up with nothing. 

Since my son was born in 2020 and my daughter born in 2023 I have since seen newly, slowly emerging resources for fathers. I am so happy to see the postpartum world recognize the importance of supporting fathers. 

How I learned to support my husband transitioning into a father

While the research and community are starting to catch up with the needs, here are a few ways I have found to support my husband as we navigate our new family roles. 

  1. Acknowledge the changes in the family, the stressors and the impact on the family transition from your partner’s perspective. 

The best way to give support is to help your partner feel seen. Recognize your partner’s efforts and struggles. Offer a safe space of support with no judgment. 

  1. Make time for date nights/days.

One of the hardest parts of new parenthood for fathers (and mothers) is losing connection with their partner. It’s so hard to find time for one another when everything changes, but the best way to help with the symptoms of PPD for both partners is to feel connected to one another. 

Dates don’t need to be outside of the house or long periods of time (follow EVM mom Jackie on Instagram for her “hot date night” concept and weekly inspiration). Dates need to be intentional time between two partners taking time to check in with each other. Here’s our favorite six budget-friendly date ideas in Gilbert, too.

  1. Encourage your partner to connect to the emerging social and community resources. 

One of the best ways to gain confidence in a new role is to connect with other people who are at the same stage of transition. I found when I started to reach out to mom groups and social  resources as a new mom, I realized my experiences in motherhood were shared. Knowing I was not alone in my experiences as well as getting insight from women who were at the same stage of life as me, helped me build my confidence. 


Support and Resources in the East Valley for Fathers

Fatherhood Support Group at Women’s Health Initiative Arizona

Daddy and Me Classes at The Village Parent Happiness Center, Mesa, Arizona 

Dad Do It All, Arizona Department of Child Safety

Parenting groups, CornerStone Ministry, Chandler, Arizona 

Phoenix Dads Group, across the greater Phoenix area  

Local author and dad, Paul Weigel who wrote: Iron Dad, a Cancer Survivor’s Story of Discovering Strength, Life, and Love through Fatherhood.

When we encourage our partners to connect to other fathers, there’s a great impact on building their confidence in fatherhood. 

Parenting is one of the greatest gifts and life changing moments in a person’s life. It is natural to have complex emotions during this time.

The best we can do is recognize the happy and challenging moments of any change and find support when needed. 

I love my husband more than words, one of the best privileges of my life is watching my husband become a father, but he shouldn’t have to navigate it alone. 


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