Cara Lespron

Cara Lespron
Cara is a thirty-something, Arizona Native with a deep love of the East Valley. She grew up in Northeast Mesa and is a Red Mountain High School Alum. She moved around the state a bit before planting roots in Scottsdale with her family. She has been married to her husband, Joey, since summer 2014. Together they have two kids, Braylin (6) and Joel (4). During the COVID-19 stay at home orders, they welcomed their Aussie/lab mix, Thor, to the family.  Cara started writing for East Valley Moms Blog in 2018 as a way to reconnect with the East Valley after living in Tucson for a few years. She took the position as Editor in early 2020 and added Site Manager to her resume in September 2020. She loves makeup, skincare (all things beauty, actually) and being a mom. She is an Artist with Seint Beauty as hobby. In her free time, Cara enjoys trying new restaurants, happy hour with friends, binge-watching true crime, shopping and traveling. She loves supporting local, small businesses, but is also a huge fan of Target and Starbucks. You can follow her on Instagram @caralespron.
5 Ways to Simplify Your Life | East Valley Moms Blog

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Over the years, especially now with two young kids, I’ve really taken time to try and simplify my life. Shortly after I got married in 2014 I stumbled across a Marie Kondo book and...
Accepting the Child I Have, Not the One I Thought I Would Get | East Valley Moms Blog

Accepting the Child I Have, Not the One I Thought I Would Get

I am the mother of a strong-willed little girl. I'm not joking when I say we start our battle of wills at 5:30 AM and carry them on throughout the day until bedtime approximately...
Thank you Nurses | Nurses Day | East Valley Moms Blog

Thanks to the Nurses

I've been chasing a nursing career for nearly a decade. Before kids, my number one goal was to become a nurse and work in a field I felt passionately about. Once I had kids, my...
I didn't want to have kids | East Valley Moms Blog

I Didn’t Want to be a Mom

When I was 25 I was living the good life. I had a great boyfriend and a good job. I was juggling school with my very active social life and loved who I was...
What I Wish I Knew About Being a Stay at Home Mom | East Valley Moms Blog

What I Wish I Knew About Being a Stay at Home Mom

I’m at stay at home mom and if I could go back and tell my working mom self a things I would. When I was working and my oldest was an infant, all I...