Cara Lespron
5 Ways to Simplify Your Life
Over the years, especially now with two young kids, I’ve really taken time to try and simplify my life. Shortly after I got married in 2014 I stumbled across a Marie Kondo book and...
Accepting the Child I Have, Not the One I Thought I Would Get
I am the mother of a strong-willed little girl. I'm not joking when I say we start our battle of wills at 5:30 AM and carry them on throughout the day until bedtime approximately...
Thanks to the Nurses
I've been chasing a nursing career for nearly a decade. Before kids, my number one goal was to become a nurse and work in a field I felt passionately about. Once I had kids, my...
I Didn’t Want to be a Mom
When I was 25 I was living the good life. I had a great boyfriend and a good job. I was juggling school with my very active social life and loved who I was...
What I Wish I Knew About Being a Stay at Home Mom
I’m at stay at home mom and if I could go back and tell my working mom self a things I would. When I was working and my oldest was an infant, all I...