Cara Lespron
Reading Enrichment: How We Used an Online Tutoring Service for My Advanced Reader
When my first grader, Braylin, started reading, she really started reading. We always knew she loved books and being read to, but once she was given the proper tools and really learned how...
Birthday Bash: A Perfect Party for a Princess-loving 7 Year Old
When it came time to plan my daughter's 7th birthday, I considered just doing something easy with the family, but mom guilt quickly set in and after all of the event cancelations kids endured...
ICYMI: Floral Arrangements, Shopping and Wine at the Cottage in Queen Creek for MNO.
If you haven't heard by now, we have been doing monthly Mom's Night Out events around the East Valley. The purpose: to connect local moms with each other.
September's event was unique in that we...
Explore Arizona: a 24 Hour Northern Ariz. Turnaround Trip with Kids
As a proud Arizona native, I pride myself on being well-versed in all things Arizona.Last summer, I realized it had been nearly a decade since I explored Flagstaff and beyond, and immediately felt the...
Birthday Bash: A Turnkey Indoor, Summer Party
Summer birthdays in Arizona present one major challenge: the heat. You'd think we would have it figured out by now, but every year we struggle with what to do for my summer baby's birthday.