Ashley Lessard
Being a Mom makes me a bad friend, Sorry not Sorry.
As stated before, I was the first of my friends to have a child. With this came a lot of guilt in the friendship department. Those of us who have close friends and relationships...
Surviving Gestational Diabetes When You Want to Eat Bad
Some people aren't food people. They don't care what they eat, as long as they survive. Some people genuinely like healthy foods. They ENJOY their salads, and would rather eat that then a cheeseburger....
Pregnancy Glucose Testing 101
Congratulations!! You're Pregnant! Wow, it's such an exciting time. Full of lots of Doctors Appointments and Discomfort. Keep telling yourself the end result is SO worth it. At some point during your pregnancy you'll have...
Dear Family, I’m DONE with four holidays.
Dear Family,
You cannot begin to understand the stress of having to attend four holidays has on a person/couple/family. You have never had to do two holidays, yet alone four. So I'm going to try...
Why we will ALWAYS do matching costumes
Halloween... it's not one of my favorite holidays, but I do enjoy deciding what our coordinating family Halloween costumes will be each year.
It used to be just my husband and I, then we got...