5 Things I’ve Started Doing to Avoid Being Late


One thing I’ve always struggled with is being on time. Year after year its one of my New Year’s resolutions and year after year I just can’t seem to squash it.

It’s turned in a stressor for me because I feel like every time I show up late, it has has a trickle down effect.

It usually goes like this: As soon as I arrive (most likely late) I find myself having zero patience because I’ve been lost it all trying to get everyone out the door and in the car. Then I feel bad for being late, which makes me even more irritated with myself. Then I have mom guilt for whatever reason.

Ugh, it’s an exhausting and vicious cycle.

I wish I was writing this post letting you know that I’ve changed and got this all figured out, but I don’t. But, here are a few things I’ve started doing that I’d like to share to help out any other notoriously late mommas. 

  1. Do what I can the night before: Setting things out next to the door or better yet loading the humungous double stroller, soccer balls, or Amazon returns in the car the night before will most likely decrease your chances of having to run back in or possibly even forgetting something.
  2. Set my clock ahead 5 minutes: This is a biggie for me, since I can’t adjust my phone time, it helps having my kitchen clock set ahead. I typically use the oven clock and set it ahead 5 minutes. It’s easy to keep my eye on while I’m rushing around like a crazy woman filling up bottles, sippy cups and grabbing bags of Goldfish.
  3. Delegate Tasks (even to my littles): As a mom, I think it has been programmed in us to try to do it all, and make it look easy. Whatever I can teach my daughter to do to help with her independence, I try to do. If you can teach your little ones to fill up their own water cups, help their younger siblings out or whatever else you can think of, you can save yourself a few minutes here and there.
  4. Build in time for transitions: One of the most frustrating things that happens to me is when I miraculously walk out the door on time and still end up being late. A fault on my part is not building in a few minutes on both ends for transitions. Getting two kids buckled into carseats and then unbuckled and into strollers eats up a bunch of time, this one gets me a lot.
  5. Stop trying to squeeze in “Just ONE more thing”: This is what happens when I’ve managed to get all ready to go way earlier than expected. I’m feeling good, considering leaving now and swinging though a Starbucks drive-thru, but then decide to finish up something before I leave the house. Usually it’s unloading the dishwasher, folding the clothes in the dryer, or prepping something for dinner. Something I guess I envisioned taking about 5 minutes, but apparently took longer and then all of a sudden I’m running late again.

So there it is my fabulous momma friends, a few things that are at least reducing my chances at being late.

Hopefully there are one or two thing you could try if you’re like me and find yourself on the struggle bus when it comes to getting anywhere on time.

Best of luck! 

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Kristen Anstey
Kristen is a midwest-minded mom who moved from Nebraska to Arizona in 2010. She met her husband, Alex, in high school and after finishing college they made the move to the desert to start new roots in Mesa. Formerly an elementary teacher, she is new to the role of stay at home mom and still trying to adjust to the changes and new levels of exhaustion that have come along with it. Growing up in a small town is a big part of why she loves the East Valley. Finding humor in motherhood keeps her life sane in the day to day with her sassy, but oh so sweet toddler Amelia and blue eyed, baby boy Cohen. Trying her best to embrace the chaos of life with little ones, she loves a good home DIY project, date nights, and traveling with her family. She is a latte drinking, toddler chasing mom who loves to surround herself with other moms who dislike laundry, decaf coffee, and changing diapers as much as she does.


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