I love doing craft projects that incorporate upcycled materials. One of my favorite craft supplies is not found in the craft store – it’s a newspaper end roll.
Just as described, a newspaper end roll is the end of the roll of paper leftover from printing newspapers that goes unused. I love keeping these around because they are inexpensive, give the paper a one more use before they get recycled, and there are so many possibilities!
One of my favorite ways to use the end rolls is for wrapping paper. My girls love to personalize packages and color the paper with crayons or markers (this can be done before or after you wrap the gift, depending on how fragile the gift is). You can also create your own pattern with stamps, use stickers, or embellish with ribbon and trimmings.
Another fun use for the paper is to make your own banner. Happy birthday, welcome home, congratulations – you name it!
Here are some other uses:
- Roll out underneath kids’ arts and craft projects to help protect the table or other surface
- Make a newspaper hat or crown (find tons of ideas on Pinterest)
- Imaginary play (my daughter recently took some scraps to make a sword and play pirate)
- Wrap dishes and other breakables when packing to move
- Clean your windows
In the Valley, you can purchase the end rolls from the Arizona Republic at Champion Waste & Recycling, 2550 W. Coronado Road in Phoenix, for 50 cents per pound. The East Valley Tribune and its affiliated newspapers are printed at the Daily News-Sun, 10102 W. Santa Fe Drive in Sun City, and the end rolls are sold there for $2 or $5 per roll, depending on the size, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.