I had this vision that by the time I reached 25, I would be able to support myself, married, and thinking about starting a family. By the time I was 30, I would have a little family, working on a career and own my home. I would be “thirty, flirty, and thriving.” Well 25 came and went and that vision didn’t come true. I had a quarter life crisis and wondered what I did wrong. I was constantly wondering when I was going to find a boyfriend and I dreamed about getting married. I wondered if I would ever be able to move out of my mom’s house and afford to live on my own. I would get envious of my friends who were out having fun, traveling, and buying houses. I would then feel bad about my life.
With so much of our lives revolving around social media, it can be easy to get caught up in the world of comparison. We scroll through Instagram and see all these perfectly curated pictures of celebrities, influencers, and friends. It took a long time, a couple years in fact, to understand and be ok with the fact that everyone’s life path is different. That certain circumstances and choices were leading me down my own path of life. That I may have had a vision for myself, but there was a bigger vision and plan for me out there. It is something I still struggle with every day; to be grateful for the things I have and the experiences I have had. This year, I am going to intentionally be happy for not only for my friends and what they have going on but for myself as well!
I turn 30 this month, and my life may not be where I thought it would be and that’s ok. I decided to reflect on the past 30 years and think of 30 things I am grateful for.
1. A family that loves and supports me no matter what.
2. My son who is teaching me to love unconditionally and helping me to heal.
3. An amazing group of friends/tribe that I get to experience life with.
4. Being sensitive, I feel deeply and love to love.
5. My health, I have survived cancer and am living with a primary immune deficiency.
6. Traveling to Europe and falling in love with Ireland.
7. Experiencing death and grief a couple times. It has shown me how delicate life really is.
8. My mom, who has been my example of how to excel at being a single mom.
9. Experiencing the magic of Disneyland not once but soon to be 6 times.
10. A broken heart. No one wants one, but you will heal and can learn to love again.
11. Watching my nephew come into this world was a cellular experience.
12. My ability of knowing how to working hard for the things that I have
13. My bachelors and masters from Arizona State University.
14. Time, the most valuable thing and it shouldn’t be taken for granted.
15. Having the opportunity to improve the quality of life of those with disabilities every day.
16. My dirty house because my son is happy and has toys to play with.
17. My little apartment that I get to create a home in.
18. The opportunity to experience arts & culture.
19. Brunch!
20. Books, they allow me to escape this hectic life for a little bit.
21. My mistakes, without them I wouldn’t learn.
22. Hugs, gosh they just feel so dang good.
23. My bed, at the end of the day as it provides comfort and a place to recharge.
24. The honesty of children, they will always tell you what is up whether good or bad.
25. Photographs to remember the old and new. Can’t wait to tell my son about the past.
26. That first drink of coffee that touches your soul and wakes it up.
27. The memory of bar hopping with my mom and sister in Flagstaff.
28. The ability to laugh so deep it brings tears to your eyes and gasping for air.
29. Morning snuggles with my son.
30. Living my life the way I want it.
It can be hard to be grateful in this world where more is more, what are some ways that you stay grounded and remember to be grateful?