I’m not yet pregnant with my second child, but I already know the perfect time to have my second.
It feels like as soon as your first child is born, everyone begins asking you- “When are you going to have another?”
First of all, what if I don’t WANT another child? What if my child is perfect and I want to stop right here?
That’s not how I feel- I definitely hope to have another child someday, but I wonder why EVERYONE I ever speak to thinks it is their business when I have another child.
The thing is most people don’t stop at- “When are you going to have another?” They continue with their opinions. I have people who tell me my children should be close in age, people who tell me I should wait until one is potty trained, and people who tell me I should wait and have them 5-10 years apart.
While I appreciate you trying to tell me what is best for ME, MY BODY, AND MY FAMILY. I kindly ask that you don’t.
I already know the perfect time to have a second (or third, or fourth, or tenth) child and here it is: Whenever I want, and whatever is best for my family.
Every family is different, Every child is different, and Every person is different. Therefore, your family may find that 2 years apart is PERFECT for YOU. Another family may think 5 years apart is AWESOME for THEM. Is anyone ever READY for ANY child? Absolutely not. I’ll decide when I’m ready for my family to grow, and I’ll decide what’s best for my family.
I know as moms, we want to share what works for us, and what doesn’t work. We can’t help but try and help each other out, which is awesome. However, there comes a time when you need to realize every child is different.
The perfect time to have another child is whatever works for you! Don’t let anyone try and tell you what works best- you know your family.
Photo Credit: Savanna Lee Imagery