Women come in all shapes and sizes. Our photo series is to help show how different, yet the same we all are. We all struggle but we need to embrace more, love more and be more proud of who we are and what our bodies can accomplish! Thank you again to E.L. Hicks Photography for the beautiful images!

Bre Geiger, 31 years old; 1 child (Gentry Hudson) 3 years old
Why was it important to you to do this photo shoot? To hopefully be relatable and help another Mom not feel so alone. I think its difficult to be a Mom in this day and age when social media and technology is shoving down our throats what a Mom must do in order to “bounce back after pregnancy”. Its additionally difficult when others are on the opposite spectrum and are hush hush about it. Whats “normal” to talk about our postpartum bodies?
I hope others can see that you might not “bounce back” as quick as you thought. You may even have additional health issues after baby. And that is OKAY. I recently wrote a post on my instagram (you can view it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BH-tn1uDpQ2/?taken-by=thesentimentalmama) about this specific situation I am going through in regards to my health and specifically my mental health. I meant it when I said, “So what am I doing? Chipping. Chip by chip I’m tackling all that is wrong and needs some fixing with what’s inside.” I am hoping this will propel others to focus on their health whether it be mental or physical.
My hardest transition into motherhood has been scheduling, routines, time management. I always thought I had a great handle on things. I dreaded being late (still do!) so I was always early (now never am!) back when I didn’t have a little one. It is still frustrating to me when I can make certain engagements or I’m habitually late to places. Its not me. But it is me now as a Mom and I am learning to embrace that.
What will you tell your kids about your ‘mom bod?’ How about what will I NOT tell my kids about my body? I will not use derogatory words towards myself. I will not pick apart my body and highlight my flaws. If asked or prompted I will explain based on the age and understanding ability that my body was a capsule to do something that only God intended for women to do. Each scar has a story, each tiger stripe has a purpose. We are special, strong and beautiful.
Erica Jenkins, 29 years old; 4 children: Evelyn Dawn- 8; Amelia Brooke-6; Camden Lyle-3; Leonard Christopher-6 months
Why was it important to you to do this photo shoot? I do not have the “ideal” body. Far from it, and that is okay. I can still be everything I want to be as a wife, mother, friend, and look exactly like I do. Too many times I have hidden myself in photos because I’m not what people think I should be. My body has changed a lot since I became a mother and I’m proud what its accomplished and I love myself. I wanted to show that you can love yourself no matter what stage in life you are in. Embrace who you are now…I have and its quite freeing actually.
I would like to say that I’m a cool mom, not just a regular mom, but what does that even mean? I’m just a mom that tries everyday to love, nurture, teach, discipline, and encourage my children to be the very best version of themselves.
How would you describe your ‘mom bod?’ Curvaceous! I’d never want my kids to think they ruined my body by me having them. Even with all the stretch marks and scars I’ve gotten with each pregnancy, they are 100% worth it. I just want them to see how happy I am. I don’t need to be a certain ideal, I have an amazing life because I’m making my life amazing. I rely on me and I want them to do the same.

Andrea Boring, 38 years old; 5 children-Hayden,8; Logan,8; Olivia,2; Michael,6m; Joshua,6m
Why was it important to you to do this photo shoot? Because not a lot of women have delivered 2 sets of twins and I’ve worked hard on my post baby body. I want other women to know it is possible to look and feel good after having lots of kids.
What will you tell your kids about your ‘mom bod?’ That I am proud that this body created, grew and birthed 5 beautiful human beings.
My hardest transition into motherhood has been sacrificing my wants and needs for other (tiny) humans. Fortunately I’m a go with the flow kind of mom!
What are you most proud of? My older boys and their deep love for God and others.
We will have even more mama stories for you next week!