The last few weeks I’ve been working on an activity for some youth I work with. Service we can do secretly. I gave the youth, ages 8-11, a challenge to serve someone in their family or community, once a day, for 7 days, but make sure it was in secret. They were asked to write down what they did and how it made them feel. Overall they all felt pretty good about doing some good for someone else.
I think it’s important to teach our young impressionable kids the value of service. It all starts with being kind.
There is a little children’s song I grew up with singing:
I want to be kind to everyone, For that is right, you see.
So I say to myself, “Remember this: Kindness begins with me.”
Its a cute little rhyme, but actually means a whole lot.
I want to be an example of kindness. I want my kids to see me being kind and that it doesn’t need to be big things either. Little things can go a long way.
Have you been on the receiving end of an act of kindness? Feels pretty good, huh? We should take that good feeling and spread it around more, and often. I’ve come up with a very short list of simple, easy random acts of kindness to help you get started.
Random acts of kindness:
- leave coins on a vending machine at a store
- hide kind words cards in random books at the library
- pay for the meal of the car behind you in the drive through
- hide a couple dollars in the dollar spot at target
- pull weeds in a neighbors yard
- bring a friend a meal
- leave a pack of baby wipes at a diaper changing station
- bring in a neighbors trash bins
- give up your seat to someone standing
- send random flowers to a friend or family member
- smile at everyone you see
There plenty more ideas around, but start small and grow. Here are two printable pages of tags to help you with your acts of kindness.
As we start the close of this year, lets show a little more kindness and love. Make it a goal in the new year!
What are some acts of kindness you’ve done before or someone has done for you?