While she would be MOR-TI-FIED that I am writing this, I am mortified that it has even happened! I honestly don’t remember when I started wearing deodorant, but I’m guessing it was more around the 11 or 12-year mark. The fact that it’s happened now, to my 7-year-old, and even worse, from what I’ve researched is common at this age, and I should be lucky it didn’t happen sooner, makes me super sad.
To me, deodorant is the “gateway drug” of puberty. It means next I’ll be purchasing razors for her then a training bra and finally pads and tampons. How did this happen, and so quickly?! I remember when she smelled like a delicious bottle of baby shampoo like it was yesterday. How did we get from there, to seven years later, smelling like, no offense, but an old man who hasn’t showered in a week?
Well, here’s how. A few months ago we were snuggling on the couch watching an episode of “Full House.” I noticed a slight musky/spicy {you know, like cumin} smell. I thought it was coming from me {which, for the record, I didn’t start smelling until I gave birth. I swear my sweat did not stink. No joke. Unless I really worked out or something, and let’s face it that never happened. Whatever hormonal changes happened during pregnancy, some of them didn’t leave.}
I think in my head I knew the truth, but in my heart I did not want to believe that it was her not me. Fast forward a few weeks and it happened again. Except this time, I was sitting on the sofa and she was reclining on the arm of the sofa, giving my nose a direct hit of the stench that was coming from her armpit. There was no denying it.
Finally, the third time, I asked to smell her armpit, told her it might be time for her to start wearing deodorant, she asked what deodorant was, agreed she smelled, we giggled and laughed about it, then I ate a bag of chips. After she went to bed, I hoped online and did some research. It’s not uncommon in fact some girls need deodorant at age 6. Many mothers suggested Tom’s of Maine, and due to it’s use of natural ingredients, I agreed, so that’s what we got.
We also ran to the nearest bookstore and bought “The Care & Keeping of You 1 The Body Book for Younger Girls.” This American Girl book is a Godsend. It starts off mildly with facts about the importance of taking care of your body, the importance of proper hygiene, what zits are and so on. Underarms are on page 42 and that’s where this train stopped.
Breasts and bras are next. As she starts experiencing other phenomenon on the puberty train, we’ll read each section as it comes. I’d like to keep her in the dark for as long as possible because she’s still innocent and she deserves to be. She is after all, only 7-years-old. As for myself, I’ll just keep eating chips. Lots and lots of chips.