The last couple years, I have been feeling stuck. Stuck in my life, in my job, just in every aspect you can think of. So I set out on a quest to become unstuck. I followed lots of “self-help” bloggers. I stepped out of my normal comfort zone. Signed up for classes to help me find my style in my home, bought tickets to a podcast tour which was on learning “How to get Unstuck.” And while all of these classes and podcasts were amazing and gave great advice. I was still feeling stuck and frustrated.
I mean what was wrong with me. I have an AMAZING life, a great husband who absolutely spoils me, great kids and a great extended family. I have an amazing flexible job that I have been at for 12 years. Of course I have trials, and sad days, but for the most part my life is everything I could have wanted. So why the heck am I feeling so stuck?
In another attempt to help improve this feeling, I signed up for the Awesome on Demand program run by Alison Faulkner. She has come up with monthly tag lines and words to help you feel unstuck in your life. And I absolutely love it. But while talking to her about how to go about feeling unstuck she made a great point. She said ” Sometimes those funks are the hardest because you don’t even know how or why the funk is happening!”
Ding, Ding, Ding! She hit the nail on the head. Not only was I feeling stuck but didn’t know why, but I was feeling guilty for feeling stuck. I have a great life. What the heck is wrong? I continued my search to figure out why I was feeling stuck and why wasn’t I content with the life I have. Was it because everyone on social media is working from home, traveling the world and doing all kinds of fun things that I don’t feel like I have the ability too.
My life is pretty boring (or exciting depending on how you look at it). On a typical day we get up, get ready for school and work, I drop the kids off at school and then go to work. Once my shift is up I come home, put the twins down for a nap, get a few things done around the house before the big kids come home and we start after school activities, homework, dinner and get ready for bed just to start the whole routine over again. I know, it’s a glamorous life I lead. But the more and more I think about it, I just keep getting this feeling. You are meant to be a mom. In this stage of your life, you are not stuck, but doing the most important work!
I have been around kids my whole life. I am the oldest in my family, I have been babysitting for other people since I was 9. I have worked with kids my whole life. People always say I am one of the most patient people they know. Maybe kids are my calling, at least at this stage of my life. Everyday I am learning more and more to be content with that calling, and trying to find joy in the everyday things. There is nothing wrong with just being a mom.