I like to think I’m pretty lucky. I met my husband when we were in High School. We were friends, decided to date and then after a few (or 6!) years we got married – Now fast forward 9 years and we have two kids. I know it seems crazy to some of you, since most people look back at the person they dated in high school and can’t imagine being with them now (and with the joys of Facebook you can get an eerie peek at what that life could look like…) but me? I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m here to tell you why marrying that guy you crushed over in high school really is awesome.
I have a handful of friends who are also married to their boyfriends from high school (what are the chances?) and I would say most all of them agree with me that it is SO nice not to have to navigate dating in this current day. Back when you were a teenager, things were so simple – there was no Tinder, Match.com or hoping to meet someone at a bar. We had it easy (minus the curfew). I will be the first to admit that I don’t have the slightest idea how to actually date someone.
Our relationship has withstood a ton of changes. A lot can happen from your late teens to your early 30’s and we’ve tackled it all side by side. We have been there for the big important milestones and the small daily moments to celebrate. From high school graduation, buying our first car, first apartment, navigating college, good and bad roommates, you name it. Of course our wants and needs have changed over the years, but we’ve been through a ton, so we know there will continue to be more change as the years go on. It’s comforting to know that you are with someone who will stick by you when things get tough. And one of the very best parts is that you know each other really well – inside and out.
We had lots of time to spend together to build our lives and experience the world together before having children. We spent over 10 years growing up, exploring hobbies, investing in our future and traveling the world together. Most people do these things before they meet their spouse, we did it together and grew closer together through those years. When the time came for us to start a family, we knew that our relationship with each other was strong and we had so much history to look back on – both of which will help us in the years ahead raising our kids.
This month marks 15 years since we decided to give a relationship a shot. 15 years of dating, friendship, romance, adventures, and fun. I look back on those years and know I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
I can’t agree with this more! I started dating my husband during our Junior year of high school. Nearly 25 years later, we have been married for 19 of those (as of October this year), have 3 kids and have seen a great deal of the country together. We have started careers and businesses, and weathered the emotional storms that life and love bring. I am so glad that we have grown up together. We are now looking to make us a priority again, and I can’t wait to see where that leads us!