This one is at the top of my list for several reasons. Not only should children learn to respect their elders; but teachers, cashiers, waitresses, and even the young lady teaching gymnastics at the recreational center. This means leading by example and showing them was respect looks like. Or even why we don’t say certain things we might be thinking, aloud. As a parent, I show them what an apology looks like and why we don’t say/do things like that.
With saying “Hello” and “Bye” to friends, teachers, other adults, I’m going to include eye contact! Too many kids and even parents look at screens these days and not enough at faces. We tend to talk more in a text or a message than in person!
Table Manners
I’m not demanding my five year old to ask, “May I leave the table please?”. A simple response to me asking him if he’s all done, or him stating that he’s done eating, is good enough for me. Of course it’s different situation if he’s only eaten 3 bites. I also make sure we don’t bring our phones to the table and the TV is off. Lastly, we ask that he puts his dishes in the sink and is free to go play!
Being patient is honestly a little tough for me to demonstrate sometimes, but I really try to be a decent role model for patience. How is my 5 year old supposed to be patient with his little brother, if I’m always yelling at him right away? Most children definitely need a little guidance here how to calming wait, and take turns talking.
Use Polite and Kind Words
No name-calling and using please and thank you are two of our rules in our house. I also think teaching your child to say “No thank you” is a great one to add. Not scream “Ew!”, “Ugh”, or to throw a tantrum. If it’s my own child and he choses an undesirable word or reaction, I instruct him to try again and wait to move on until he says “No thank you.”
I always say, if there’s one thing I do right as an adult, it’s to raise well-mannered, head strong children. What are some of the manners you teach your child?