It happened again the other day. I was texting a client-friend about my family’s plans that day and she uttered the words that make me grimace. “You’re seriously Supermom, how do you do it all?” I know that it was said as a compliment and I took it as it was meant.
I have 3 kids, 2 careers and a really cool husband who happens to like doing fun stuff with me! We do look like we have it all together and are rocking the parent/life balance thing. But still it stuck with me. “Supermom”… something that gives me visions of other worldly strength and powers. Of heat vision, super speed, and leaping over buildings in a single bound.
As I un-package my feelings about the phrase and why it makes me cringe, I discovered a few things. As moms, we’re expected to be amazing at it ALL (or at least look like we are). We have to be attentive to our children (their health, their education, their overall well-being and if they’re growing up to be good humans), keep our home neat/organized (know where all of the lost socks are), control the family’s calendar & schedule, and for those of us who work, also keep up with all of the tasks associated with that (whether it be working outside or inside our homes).
There are expectations to be social, to have friends, go out on dates, look cute, and keep up with society’s expectations. Don’t get me wrong, my husband is absolutely my partner in all of this and is responsible for 50% of everything that happens in our family, but the mental load that we bear as moms feels like a lot sometimes. It’s just exhausting at times. And there’s no way that I or any other mom can actually do it all. AND there’s no reason for us to present ourselves as though we are doing it all.
So here it is, the honest truth. I don’t have my sh** together all the time. I don’t do it all. Some days, the calendar is organized, dinner is prepped in advance, all of the socks are found and the kids had fantastic days at school. Other days, there’s lots of yelling, some cursing, a thrown together lunchbox, $5 and a scribbled permission slip shoved at a kid as they hop out of the car late for school and sunglasses over my tired sorta crazy eyes.
There used to be a lot of filtering for social media, but lately, I’ve been presenting some of the real and not so perfect. There is no balance, there never will be. What there is though is a lot of juggling, a lot of laughter, some dance parties, wine, tears and curse words.
My super powers are friends to call on, a husband to hold my hand as we navigate this crazy path, and Wi-Fi so I can google the stuff I don’t know. So no, I’m not Supermom. I’m just a mom, doing her best to keep it all together, knowing that I have an awesome partner & village to lean on when life gets overwhelming.