With the warm weather already here, everyone is starting to think about those bathing suits. As a trainer, I often get asked “what can I do to improve my core” or “I want a six pack.” I like to educate my clients and let them know that abs are created in the kitchen, in fact 80% of our appearance comes from the food we eat. Check out these 12 foods and their benefits that can help speed up that metabolism, burn fat and flatten those bellies. ABS DIET POWER A Almonds and Other Nuts (with skins intact): Builds muscle, reduces cravings, fights obesity, heart disease, muscle loss, wrinkles, cancer and high blood pressure. B Beans and Legumes: Builds muscle, helps burn fat, regulates digestion, fights obesity, colon cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure. S Spinach and Other Green Vegetables: Neutralizes free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process), fights cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity and osteoporosis. D Dairy Products (nonfat or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese): Builds strong bones, fires up weight loss, fights osteoporosis, obesity, high blood pressure and cancer. I Instant Oatmeal (unsweetened, unflavored): Boosts energy, reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels, fights heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and obesity. E Eggs: Builds muscle, burns fat, fights obesity. T Turkey and Other Lean Meats: Builds muscle, strengthens immune system, fights obesity and other various diseases. P Peanut Butter: Boosts testosterone, builds muscle, burns fat, fights obesity, muscle loss, wrinkles and cardiovascular disease. O Olive Oil: Lowers cholesterol, boosts immune system, fights obesity, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure W Whole Grain Breads and Cereals: Prevents body from storing fat, fights obesity, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease. E Extra Protein (Whey Powder): Builds muscle, burns fat and fights obesity. R Raspberries and Other Berries: Protects heart, enhances eyesight, improves balance, coordination and short term memory, prevents cravings, fights heart disease, cancer and obesity. In conclusion, our nutritional habits will have a far greater impact on our body composition so if you are about to cheat and eat that slice of pizza or bowl of ice cream, remember the fitness nutrition 80:20 rule. What goes into our mouth accounts for 80% of how we look and 20% is about our fitness.
About TeaME Fitness Michelle German is an AFAA and ACE certified personal trainer and Seville resident. Michelle has been in fitness since the age of 7 and continues to change lives with her personal training and women’s boot camps. For more information, contact Michelle at [email protected] or www.teamefitness.com **Like TeaME Fitness on Facebook to receive recipes, motivation and fitness tips** ***This post is sponsored by Eastmark Party at the Pavilion**
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