For every holiday throughout the year we make a craft with both little ones. This is because A. We are sappy- and- B. We want the memories. Luckily we have not had any paint massacres yet and our carpet only has two spots that are faintly blue. I crave a controlled environment when we do hand print and footprint crafts and prefer to have both of my little ones seated in their high chairs.
Our little baby girl even at 9 months old has yet to master the art of opening her palm for hand prints… this has led to some messy finger painting fun, but no clean hand prints. So instead of giving up I usually find a footprint craft that we can dip her little toes into. She is quite ticklish so I always have 2-3 backup canvases or pieces of paper in case of a misprint. I paint over misprints on canvas so that we have another plain background to use for the next craft.
DIY Father’s Day Craft
Tools Needed:
Adorable Little Feet & Hands
Stencils- I use Martha Stewarts Stencils(I loathe my penmanship)
Card Stock or Plain White Canvas
*The cleanup is the hardest part of the process but the time is well worth the memory of how little they once were.
I always make sure that they are in clothes that can get dirty and that there is a more “kid-focused” activity for them right after. Em, my nine month old, is really enjoying the “art” of finger painting with edible finger paint in her high chair tray. The Toddler, my two year old, loves to paint at his art station. We use his creations as cards that they both “sign”. The ones below are slated for Father’s Day. Other creations are sent off to Grandparents and Great-grandparents.

We use finger paint that is washable-truly washable- for his card creations. The three soup cans hold washable white-board markers, cut-up dish sponges, and paint brushes.

The cupcake pan is the perfect tray to hold his paint. He can dip in the sponges and brushes easily. Clean-up is amazing easy-always a win.

Easy homemade card and hopefully a winning combination for Father’s Day. Both prints will be put in frames for my husband’s office-replacing the Easter Craft that resides their currently. Now we just need to figure out what little items to surprise him with.
Mug and tie? New socks?
Please send me any great finds! Would love some help on being a bit more non-traditional!