I am fully aware that what I am about to say may come off as me being sensitive, but it also has been bothering me for the past couple of months and I feel like I need to address it.
Meet my baby boy, Justin Michael. He is the SWEETEST boy! He loves laughing, crawling, and animals.
When he was born he was a healthy 8lb 4oz, nothing too crazy. We exclusively breastfed for the first 7 months but when I found out I was pregnant again, my supply dropped so we switched to formula.
That’s when I noticed Justin’s growth seemed to really take off. I know he got the regular 24-32oz of formula a day but he is getting big and I’m totally okay with it. At his 9-month check-up, he weighed 22lbs which I’ve heard is a lot!
We are at 13-months now and honestly, I haven’t weighed him since his 9-month check-up but he feels like he’s about 25lbs now which is great!
However, I feel like I am getting A LOT of comments about his weight. It feels more than normal. Maybe it’s just the sensitive first-time mom in me but I feel like I finally need to say something.
I’m more than okay with comments like “Oh my, ROLLS” or “Looks how CHUNKY he is!”
But there is one comment that I keep getting that is bothering me. I have heard from SEVERAL people that Justin is so CHUNKY but NOT TO WORRY, once he starts walking he will lean out. Wait, are you saying my baby is fat?!
Here is the part that bothers me, DON’T WORRY.
Personally, I have never worried. I think I have a healthy beautiful baby boy. He is perfect in every way to me. But what bothers me is people telling me not to worry. Is it something you think I’m worried about? Are YOU worried about my baby’s weight?
Again, I know sensitive mom over here, but I can’t but get annoyed at this comment. I wouldn’t tell another mother that their child is anything less than adorable. It feels like we are projecting some sort of image onto a BABY which to me just seems wrong.
And as a mom, it makes me feel weird that you thought this was something I was worried about. I’m not. I don’t need to hear that he will eventually lean out. It’s not something that has ever been top of mind for me but should it?
I know nowadays, everyone can be easily offended and maybe this is one of those moments but maybe we should just stop talking about a baby’s weight.
Maybe the next time you see a child that you think is heavy just look at their mom, smile and say how beautiful their child is. That is all they really need to hear from you.