I know many moms reading this blog may not be in the same boat I’m in right now (9 months pregnant, about to pop any day), but I do think this post will resonate with most. If you’ve delivered a baby, you already know the anxiety, stress, and fear of the unknown that comes with prepping to deliver. But this time it’s even scarier- it’s during a global pandemic. Cue the violins, ladies! The rest of this post is about my personal fears as my baby’s birth day arrives..
Beyond the normal worries like “what if I need an emergency C-section?” or “when and how will I know my labor has started?”, I find myself constantly wondering “Will I have to give birth without my husband?” and “What if my baby and I catch this virus while being exposed in the hospital?! And then pass it along to my family?!”
Originally my mom had plans to fly in from New Jersey to help out but obviously she canceled her plans and now its just my husband and I and our two-year old son. We have some friends in the area but I’ve been pretty paranoid about risking exposure that we’ve kept to ourselves. Now I don’t even know who will watch our son while I deliver! My husband may just drop me off at the hospital to stay with our son at home and pick me and the baby up when we’re discharged.. as if that’s no big deal. I can’t fathom not having my husband next to me during delivery and having to manage the first few days with our newborn alone. I had a rough time with my first born- he had some unknown issues and ended up staying in ICU for testing. It was hard to manage both physically and mentally and my husband’s support helped me so much during those first few days..
My first son was born in New Jersey so I’ll be delivering in a hospital that’s new to me here in Arizona. I know some moms are more laid back than me but I was really looking forward to a hospital tour to at least be somewhat familiar for my stay. Unfortunately the pandemic starting taking way once I hit my third trimester and all tours and in-person visits were canceled. More unknown.
What I do know is that as of now, all patients and (limited) visitors must get their temperature checked upon entering the hospital and wearing a mask at all times. I appreciate the additional precautions but trying to keep on a mask while pushing a baby out gives me more anxiety. I’m sure I’ll want to take it off during delivery, especially when trying to take deep breaths during contractions, but I also know it’s also safest to keep it on. But what about safety precautions for my new born?! Ahh… the stress continues.
Ok.. I should wrap this up before going down the dark rabbit hole. I know this post wasn’t as “light-hearted” as many of my other posts, but I wanted to be real. This is a scary time for all of us, and it’s an especially scary and weird time for those who of us who are pregnant.
To my fellow pregnant readers: I feel for you. And to my fellow first time pregnant readers: I especially feel for you. But although this is such an unprecedented time we’re in, I know this too shall pass. The most important thing to remember is we do what’s best to have a safe and healthy delivery to a safe and healthy baby (or babies), regardless of the circumstances. Keep your head up, mamas! We got this.