Erica Jenkins

Erica Jenkins
That one time we all went to the Mall | East Valley Moms Blog

That one time we all went to the Mall

It was a chilly evening in late January, we strapped the kids in our minivan and made the 35 minute trek to Chandler Fashion Square aka, the mall. This is where the story begins.  We've never...
Gift Ideas for National Donut Day | East Valley Moms Blog

A Bakers Dozen Gift Ideas for National Donut Day

Happy National Donut day!  ...or is is doughnut?  I don't think it matters as long as those sweet cherubs of goodness are being eaten.    Mark your calendars for Friday June 2nd! Lots of donuts will be...
Pick Your Battles With A Threenager | East Valley Moms Blog

Pick Your Battles With A Threenager

Raise your hand if you've felt personally victimized by a threenager?    Great, Me too! So you are well aware that the age three is magical and amazing, but also literally the worst freaking age ever!...
Social Insecurities: Am I too much to handle?

Social Insecurities: Am I too much to handle?

  Social insecurities, you're the worst I would not consider myself as a quiet shy person.  I don't think anyone else that knows me would say I am either. When I'm out, I'm okay with being in the...

Is turning 30 really so bad?

When you ask people how they feel about turning 30, everyone seems to have an answer. The age 30 is a hot topic!  This month I will be thirty, I know how I feel about...